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A woman’s fertility and pregnancy are directly related to her hormones. They help her body create the right environment for the growth of the foetus and support its development. Along with the incredible excitement and joy that comes with this journey, mothers-to-be also go through a rollercoaster of hormonal changes that impact her emotional and physical health. At Mamas & Papas, we understand the importance of navigating these changes. In this guide, we'll delve into coping mechanisms, tips, and essential insights to help expecting moms handle pregnancy hormones with grace and ease.
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Understanding Pregnancy Hormones

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a surge of hormonal changes to support the growing baby. These hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). They play crucial roles in maintaining the pregnancy and preparing the body for childbirth. Here's a breakdown of the key players:

  1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone, commonly known as the pregnancy hormone, surges after conception and plays a vital role in supporting the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. Progesterone: It is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining and preventing contractions that could lead to early labour, progesterone levels rise steadily throughout pregnancy as compared to their entire life.
  3. Estrogen: This hormone increases significantly during pregnancy and is crucial for the development of your baby's organs and tissues. A very high level of this hormone can loosen the ligaments and joints throughout your body.
  4. Human Placental Lactogen (hPL): Also known as chorionic somatomammotropin, hPL provides nutrition to the baby and stimulates milk glands for breastfeeding. It is made from placenta
Effects of Pregnancy Hormones
A regular increase and decrease in your pregnancy-related hormones can lead to both physical and mental effects. Some of the common ones include mood swings and morning sickness. However, they are usually harmless and will subside after childbirth. Getting a better understanding of these changes to your body will help you deal with them in a healthy manner. - __Emotional Rollercoaster__: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood swings, heightened emotions, and increased sensitivity. You might feel happy and content one minute and become angry or anxious the next without any plausible explanation. The best way to deal with this rollercoaster is to acknowledge and communicate your feelings with your partner or a supportive friend. - __Physical Changes__: Fatigue, nausea, food cravings, and aversions are some of the bodily changes you’ll experience across the nine months. Changes in skin, hair and dental health is also observed in expecting mothers. By prioritising rest, delegating tasks and focusing on self-care, you can tackle these changes with grace. - __Morning Sickness__: The infamous morning sickness is often triggered by hormonal fluctuations. By eating small, frequent and healthy meals you can combat nausea during your first trimester. Staying hydrated is equally important. Heightened Sensitivity: Many expectant mothers get more sensitive to smells due to changing hormone levels. You can balance things out by wearing minimal perfumes.
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Coping Strategies for Moms-to-Be

By implementing simple everyday techniques along with a healthy diet and exercise plan, you can cope with the hormonal imbalance and ease your pregnancy. The below tips and tricks will help you cope with the changes and maintain a good environment for you and your baby.

  • Prioritise Self-Care Practise self-love activities that centre you such as meditation and yoga. They will help calm your mind as you spend some quality time with yourself. Visiting your favourite spa for a massage will also keep you in a good mood.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices Choosing the right food to eat, ensuring proper rest and performing regular exercises are some healthy lifestyle choices that will not only help you physically but mentally as well. When deciding what to eat, pick items rich in nutrients and vitamins that will nourish yours and the little one’s bodies. Also stay hydrated at all times by carrying a water bottle around wherever you go.

Expectant mothers are also recommended to perform at least 30 minutes worth of physical activity each day. Something as simple as walking for half an hour will help with blood circulation and keep your muscles active. Finally, ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday to regulate your hormone levels. Short naps throughout the day will also help you with managing fatigue.

  • Communication and Support Maintaining open communication with your partner, family, and friends will help you with mood swings and anxiety attacks. By speaking to a seasoned parent about your problems and concerns will help you gain perspective and calm your nerves. Joining support groups is another way to stay connected with fellow mothers-to-be and share your experience and lessons you have learned along the way.

If you are a first-time parent, joining prenatal classes with your partner will teach you the basics of newborn care, how to manage possible complications, how to cope with contractions and options for pain relief. This newfound knowledge will ease your nerves for the big day by better preparing yourself for it.

  • Get Supplements

Even after maintaining a healthy diet if you are not able to consume enough or all nutrients due to a dietary restriction, try supplements such as Vitamin D3, magnesium and Vitamin B. These are important to maintain a baby's healthy growth and might help regulate your hormones. Speak to your doctor or midwife before starting the course to ensure you are taking the right ones.

As you go through the ups and downs of pregnancy hormones, remember that you're not alone. Navigating pregnancy hormones can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, moms-to-be can manage these changes effectively. Embrace the support of loved ones, prioritise self-care, and explore trusted resources and products that support you throughout this journey. At Mamas & Papas, we offer valuable information and premium products that empower expectant mothers and cater to their needs. And, Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and it’s essential to listen to your body and seek guidance from healthcare professionals for personalised care whenever required.