Meh- warranty is misleading but it's helped with travel
Doesn't stop damage from happening, if within 2 years of purchase and within 4 years of stroller they will replace damaged item. The bag doesn't stop damage or scuffs from happening, it just makes the stroller easier for airport handling? We've had 2 bags break and 2 toddler seat frame replacements.... It's now out of warranty and it's broken again so we're paying out of pocket for damage, might just get easier bags since damage would be similar but bag would be smaller when traveling
Most Liked Negative Review
Almost impossible to get into the bag
I know this is supposed to be snug, but it's nearly impossible to get my stroller into this bag. I even have the smaller stroller (Cruz). While flying with it I finally had to remove the rumble seat.
Reviewed by 12 customers
Doesn't fit
By Bri
Location Reno Nevada
Reviewed at
The wheels don't fit in the little bag provided and the bag is not tall enough to actually fit the stroller.
Do NOT buy this product its a scam warranty
By Lo
Location Austin, Texas
Reviewed at
warranty on this bag is for 2yrs, BUT that is not to exceed 4yrs total from time of stroller purchase (deceiving).The recommended way to store the seat within bag is how our seat snapped on flight.
clearly stored the way the website and interior tag recommend - I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCTsnapped on both sidesSnapped clear at the hinge, even tho its the recommended way to store
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